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Eu gsp countries list 2025 Form: What You Should Know

In this  information bulletin, we update a 2025 GSP beneficiary list which includes the countries that received duty-free treatment before January 1, 2018. In October 2016, U.S. authorities amended the program to include the GSP program in the NAFTA-like World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement.  The WTO Agreement is also currently under consideration by the WTO Dispute Settlement Committee,  which will make a final decision and implement the agreement on May 8, 2019.  This  information bulletin summarizes a recent study showing that GSP beneficiary countries would be much less affected by tariffs imposed if they  were part of NAFTA or the WTO than they would be had they not adopted GSP. In addition, with the introduction  of  the GSP in November 2016, Canada, the EU and other GSP countries may become even more trade-reactive. In response to recent  global trade volatility, the EU is considering the new GSP regime as the new framework with a greater scope for  flexibility to respond to market challenges. If the EU's objective is to foster trade, it will probably see the  GSP as a threat to this goal.  The EU GSP applies two preferential tariff schedules for the EU: ECE and TUFTS. ECE and TUFTS are  treaty partners that allow customs union arrangements to be applied at the national level. TUFTS tariff schedules are  not legally binding. They require the agreement of both the EU and each ECE/EU member state to apply the ECE/TUFTS tariffs.   The EU GSP tariff schedules generally fall within two broad categories: tariff rates which are set annually, and firmness preferences, which are set on a case-by-case basis with the aim to favor certain types of goods more than others.  These  tariff rates are also used for determining the duty-free treatment accorded to GSP beneficiary countries. The GSP beneficiary countries are all GSP partners (and have joined the EU and the WTO before 2018).  The beneficiary countries fall into two broad categories:  Country Group A countries: these countries are GSP partners that receive tariffs on the GSP and have joined the EU before 2025 at the national level under ECE, which is the common tariff schedule for both customs union and non-tariff barriers procedures.

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